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Common Foot Conditions

Ingrowing Nails

In growing toe nails are one of the most common foot complaints treated by a chiropodist. This condition can be very painful and patients may often be very reluctant to have the condition treated. However, we can assure you that this condition will not resolve itself and requires specialist care. An In growing toe nail is caused by a splinter of nail or the whole nail causing pressure into the skin. Some In growing toe nails are acute which means that they have occurred due to a injury to the toe. Others are chronic, which means the patient has had the problem for a long period of time. The large toe is usually affected, however, it can also affect the lesser toes.

Appearance of in Growing Toe Nail

  • In a acute condition the toe will be very red, swollen, painful to touch and there may be a discharge of pus or a watery discharge with a hint of blood.
  • In a chronic condition the toe will appear slightly inflamed at the corner of the nail.


  • The condition may be aggravated by wearing tight shoes or shoes with a inadequate depth.
  • In a acute condition the toe will be very painful to touch and there may be presence of a infection.
  • In a chronic condition the toe will only be painful when the patient is walking with shoes on.


  • Trauma to the nail
  • Improper cutting of toe nails.
  • Tight shoes or hosiery
  • Abnormal shape of nail plate
  • Abnormal thickness of nail

Treatment of Ingrowing Nails

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