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Practising Reflexology


During a reflexology session, your patient should sit comfortably with legs supported and a cushion under her knees. Some reflexologist treats their patients lying down. Sit at your patient's feet and place them in your lap or rest them on a stool. Work over the whole foot to promote and maintain good health. As you work, you may come across sensitive areas, which indicate a problem in the corresponding part of the body. In some places it even feels as if there are granules under the skin. Give extra attention to these areas to disperse the granules in the feet and reduce congestion elsewhere. Pressures on these areas may be rather painful, so watch your patients face to make sure you are not hurting her. It is better to teat disorder by working gently and repeating the treatment several tines, rather than overworking sensitive areas in the hope of treating disorders all on one go.


Do not massage the feet, simply apply a precise pressure with your thumb to each specific point. Hold the foot firmly with one hand, and work with the other thumb, using the edge of the thumb, just by the nail. Press firmly for about three seconds. Then move on with an inching forward movement. A complete reflexology treatment takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Treat the right foot first, then the left foot.


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