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Rules In Practising Reflexology

  • Master the reflexology teaching throughly before trying them to patients.
  • learn the correct basic period.
  • Keep your hand clean and nails clean and trim
  • before treatment, take several deep breaths to calm yourself. Promote your own mental concentration.
  • Assume the correct posture, if your posture is akward, you will not be able to exist proper pressure.
  • Apply pressure evenly and rhythmically, this is very important when applying the back.
  • Applying pressure using the balls of the fingers, the thumbs, the palm, do not use the elbow.
  • Patient's with neuritis (inflammation of the nerves) stiff shoulders, sprain or other painful condition, should not assumes awkward or uncomfortable position, observed the emotion and keep them as relax as possible
  • Treatment should last from 40 to 60 mintues
  • Concentrate completely while performing reflexology
  • Render every service in a manner that will inspire his/her knowledge and skills anticipate his/her needs.
  • Washing your hands before a treatment while the patient is looking on makes favorable impressions and adds to your credit.


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